Wednesday, January 12, 2011

removed the motor !!

i have been debating whether i should make my bike a 900cc bike , i found that samurai pistons are the right size and so is the wrist pins, but the amount of machining involved in that was going to cost to much, and the only company that makes aftermarket pistons is wisco for the xs1100, but yet again cause to much, DARN Recession!!!  so i decided to do xs850 jugs, and the 750 head, and i think that while i got it apart im going to go threw everything, and check it all out and replace what i can.

             the motor is sorta hard to get out but that isent the worst part the worst part is that it is so heavy, way heavier than i thought it was and i ended up hurting my back so tareble that the next day was shot, and the days after that where unpleasant, but got the motor out, and then started taring it down a cupple days later, and got a little help to get it up on the table to do the tare down and rebuild. today i had some trubble with the rotor, i need a bolt to thred into it to "pull it off" so i went everywhere that sold bolts to try to find one and that turrned out to be a bust.

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